Uploading and Managing Files
Uploading files
Images and files can be uploaded to folders for use throughout the website. Files can be uploaded to folders for future use in other areas of the website. This article will cover uploading files directly to a folder from the control panel.

For most features and page editing, files can be uploaded directly while working on the website. When linking to a file using Spotlights or Page Redirects, the file must be uploaded in advance.

Only users with permission to a folder can upload files to that folder. Users are able to link to any file without having permission to that folder. Most users have a MyFiles folder strictly used for Staff Pages (profiles). Contact a Web Administrator for access to a district folder if uploading files for use on district pages.
Uploading a single file
A single file can be uploaded by clicking the + button that appears when hovering over the files option in the control panel menu. If Files is clicked, an Add File button will appear above the Files List page. Clicking either will navigate to the Add File page.
- Click Select New File to choose a file from your computer.
- The Name field will populate with the original name of the file. The name can be changed prior to upload.
If the original file name was generic, giving the file a meaningful name can be helpful for finding the file later.- The Description field can be used to describe the file for additional context. This field is rarely used and is only publicly displayed if the folder is being shared on a page using the File Search Block.
- Click the Folder Path field or button to choose which folder the file should be uploaded to.
- Click Save to finish uploading the file.
Adding multiple files
Multiple Files can be uploaded at once through the Add Multiple Files button on the Files List page.

When uploading multiple files, file names can't be changed during the upload process.
- From the Add Files page, click the Select Files option to open your computer and select files for upload.
- Click the Folder Path field or button to choose which folder the files should be uploaded to.
- Click the Start Upload button to begin uploading the files.
Managing files
Once files have been uploaded to a website, they can be managed in a variety of ways. File management occurs on the files list page in the control panel, which can be accessed by clicking the Files option in the menu. The file list can be navigated by ordering the files by clicking the column headers and can be filtered by selecting a folder or searching by file name.

Users can only see and manage files in folders they have been granted permission to.
Editing a file
The main purpose of editing a file is to be able to view details about the file, updating the name or description, or viewing details about the file.

Changing the name of a file in edit view will not change the filepath/URL to the file. It will only change the name of the file as it appears in file lists. If the filepath needs to be updated, use the dedicated rename function.
Replacing a file
Replacing an existing file will ensure that any location on a site the file has been linked will be updated to point to the updated file. The updated file will keep the same filepath/URL as the original file. This is often used for files that get updated periodically and older versions are no longer needed, or for files that have been cleaned up for ADA compliance and should be replaced. Only users with permission to manage a file folder will be able to update files in that folder.
- From the Foxbright Admin Panel, click Files to view the files list.
- Use the file “Name” and/or Folder filters to locate the file to be updated.
- Click the settings icon and choose Edit. Alternatively, clicking the file name will open the edit view.
- Click the Select New File button to upload a new file.
- Save the file and the original file will be replaced with the new file. All links to the file will now point to the new file.

If the original file is still being referenced on a webpage, clear the browser's cache to ensure the browser finds the updated version of the file.
Moving a file

When moving files, the CMS will correct links to the file in all areas of the CMS.
- From the file's list, find the file to be moved. Click the file's gear menu and choose Move.
- Choose a file folder from the folder selector as the destination for where the file will be moved.
- The File's Title and Name can changed during the same process if needed.
- Click Save to complete the move. The file will be moved and any links to the file on the website will be automatically update to reflect the new folder and name.
Renaming a file

When renaming files, the CMS will correct links to the file in all areas of the CMS.
- From the file's list, find the file to be moved. Click the file's gear menu and choose Move.
- Choose a file folder from the folder selector as the destination for where the file will be moved.
- The File's Title and Name can changed during the same process if needed.
- Click Save to complete the move. The file will be moved and any links to the file on the website will be automatically update to reflect the new folder and name.
Deleting a file
When deleting files, Foxbright CMS will search for references to the file in all areas of the CMS
From the files list, find the file to be deleted. Click the file's gear menu and choose Delete.

Multiple files can be selected and deleted by clicking the checkbox next to the filename and choosing Delete Files at the bottom of the list. Each file will still be checked for references on the website.
If references to the file are found on the website, a list of them will be generated and displayed when the Show Details bar is expanded. From the list of references, the pages or modules can be edited to remove the reference. This will prevent broken links when the file is deleted.
The file can still be deleted with or without references. Click the checkbox next to the file to confirm deletion as well as the checkbox above the delete button.
Click the Delete button to remove the file from the CMS.

If a file with references is deleted without removing the references, the link or image will become broken. It is recommended to remove references to the file prior to deletion to avoid broken links. If the file is an image it will still be considered a broken link and show an empty placeholder on the page.
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